Morchella americana
(Blonde Morel, Yellow Morel, Speisemorchel, Morchella esculenta, Morchella esculentoides)
Mostly found at lower elevations in Colorado below 8000ft. They are usually found near water growing near or under Cottonwood. Look for these on wet spring years along flood plains from late April into May especially along rivers and larger streams.
Yellow Morels can be scarce many years and are notoriously difficult to spot. In dry years there many not be any at all. In years with a really wet spring they can be more abundant. They can be found from late April until the end of May. They are one of the first mushrooms hunted in spring along with the Cottonwood Oyster mushroom Pleurotus pulmonarius.
Colorado Plains, Foothills
Spore Print
Last Updated
May 03 2024 09:45 AM
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